What can I complain about?

You can make a complaint about an ACT Government agency. We can also look at complaints about:

How can I make a complaint?

If you think an ACT Government agency has been unfair or done something wrong, we may be able to help you.

You can make a complaint via our online complaint form or call us on 02 5117 3650.

Who else can help with my complaint?

We cannot help you with complaints about:

  • the actions of ACT Government ministers or politicians
  • Commonwealth Government agencies
  • private individuals
  • environmental management and sustainability
  • decisions of courts and tribunals
  • public service employment
  • disability services
  • health services
  • services for children and young people
  • services for older people
  • telecommunications (phone, internet, mobile).

However, this guide outlines organisations who can help you with your complaint.

If you are unsure who to contact call us on 02 5117 3650 and we will help you identify the appropriate organisation.

Can I make a complaint about policing in the ACT?

We can investigate complaints about ACT Policing. This can include complaints about:

  • inadequate investigation
  • inappropriate action
  • taking too long to act
  • failure to record or report a matter
  • discourtesy
  • failure to return property
  • providing inappropriate advice.

Does the Ombudsman take complaints about Public housing?

We can investigate complaints about public housing in the ACT. This can include complaints about:

  • requests to move properties
  • allocated housing not meeting your needs (for example, required medical services are not available in the area, or you cannot access parts of the property due to a disability)
  • maintenance issues.

Does the Ombudsman take complaints about Corrective Services?

We can investigate complaints about ACT Corrective Services (ACTCS) including the Alexander Maconochie Centre (AMC). This can include complaints about:

  • access to prison programs (for example, a literacy course)
  • living conditions (for example the amount of time allowed outside of cells)
  • conduct of AMC staff (for example the searching of cells and removal of property)
  • management of bank accounts and purchasing of food.

Can I complain about how an ACT Government agency handled my complaint?

The ACT Ombudsman can investigate how an ACT Government agency has managed a complaint. This can include complaints about:

  • the agency not calling back or responding to complaints
  • making repeat complaints and not receiving a response
  • not being able to make a complaint
  • being targeted because you made a complaint
  • complaints processes not recognising your specific needs (for example, you are unable to put a complaint in writing due to a disability).

Is there Information for non-English speakers?

If you are a non-English speaking person, we can help through the Translating and Interpreter Service (TIS) on 131 450.

We can organise a translating service which is free and confidential. We also have information in many community languages on our brochures page.

Is there Information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples?

You can call us on our dedicated Indigenous number 1800 060 789 or use an Indigenous language interpreter service.

To learn more about how to make a complaint read Your Story Matters.