Who else can help

Before making a complaint to an oversight body, we suggest you try to resolve the issue with the agency or service provider directly, as they may be able to resolve your issue more quickly. You can do this by contacting their complaint-handling area.

If you are not satisfied with the response you receive from the agency or service provider about your complaint, the information below may help you seek further assistance to resolve your complaint in the ACT.

If you are not sure who to contact, call us on 02 5117 3650 and we can help you identify the appropriate organisation.

Organisations who can help with your complaint:

The following information outlines organisations who can help you with your complaint in the ACT.

ComplaintTopicWho to complain to
Aged care

Respite, home maintenance

ACT Human Rights Commission

Aged care facilities

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

AviationAirlinesAirline Customer Advocate
Aircraft noiseAircraft Noise Ombudsman
BullyingIn the workplace

Notify WorkSafe ACT - WorkSafe ACT

Children and youthAccomodation

ACT Human Rights Commission


ACT Human Rights Commission

Abuse and misconduct

ACT Human Rights Commission

Consumer goodsConsumer law

Fair Trading (act.gov.au)

Defence ForceAdministrative  matters, abuse

Commonwealth Ombudsman


Accommodation, housing, education, employment, transport etc

ACT Human Rights Commission

VET student loans, VET Fee-Help loansCommonwealth Ombudsman

Hospitals, medical centres doctors, nurses,

ACT Human Rights Commission

Health insuranceCommonwealth Ombudsman
HousingReal estate agentsHome (act.gov.au)

Visa’s, detention, customs

Immigration and citizenship (homeaffairs.gov.au)

Overseas students

Complaints about private education providers

Commonwealth Ombudsman

PetsDangerous dogsAccess Canberra
Police and legal systemACT LawyersACT Law Society
ACT Police

Australian Capital Territory Policing (act.gov.au)

Postal operatorAustralia Post

Complaints, compliments and feedback - Australia Post (auspost.com.au)

Private health insurance 

Commonwealth Ombudsman

TransportAction buses

Access Canberra Home Home (act.gov.au)

ACT light rail

Access Canberra Home Home (act.gov.au)