ACT Ombudsman releases report on transparency of commercial land valuation decisions in the ACT

Today the ACT Ombudsman, Mr Michael Manthorpe, released a report on the transparency of commercial land valuation decisions in the ACT.

The Ombudsman’s investigation followed a complaint made by an ACT resident about a 305 per cent increase in the valuation of their commercial property, which increased the rates payable. During the investigation, the Ombudsman identified broader concerns about the way the ACT Revenue Office recorded valuation decisions.

‘Government processes need to be transparent and reasons for decisions must be recorded and made available to those affected, to maintain community confidence in government decision‑making,’ Mr Manthorpe said.

The report made nine recommendations aimed at improving processes for commercial property valuations to ensure they are fair and transparent.

The Ombudsman welcomes the ACT Revenue Office’s response to the report, which agreed with all nine recommendations. The Ombudsman will follow up on the implementation of the recommendations over the next two years.

The report can be found on the ACT Ombudsman’s website at